Oregon Regulation Helps Curb Long-Term Care Insurance Rate Increases

Oregon enacted a long-term care insurance regulation on March 1st, 2006. Oregon residents purchasing long-term care insurance after that date are protected by Oregon’s Rate Stability Regulation*.

The regulation has helped curb long-term care insurance rate increases in Oregon because it forces long-term care insurance companies to lower their profits if they seek a rate increase.

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Profit Incentive


BEFORE 3/1/2006

Under the old rules, when a rate increase was requested the insurance company could price normal profit levels into the rate increase. In many cases, a rate increase would result in increased profits for the insurance company.


Profits were capped in the initial pricing, but more profit could be made when  rate increase was requested.


AFTER 3/1/2006

Under the new rules, if an insurance company requests a rate increase they must decrease the profit levels in their pricing to a cap that is pre-determined by the new regulation. This regulation has removed the profit motive from rate increases.


Higher profits are allowed in the initial pricing, but the higher profits can ONLY be kept IF THEY KEEP PREMIUMS LEVEL.

Margin for Error


BEFORE 3/1/2006

Under the old rules, the insurance companies were NOT allowed to include in their pricing any “margin for error”. There was no cushion priced into the policy in the event their claims exceeded their original projections. This resulted in a lot of rate increases.

AFTER 3/1/2006

Under the new rules, every insurance company is REQUIRED to include a “cushion” in their pricing–a margin for error. The goal of the “cushion” is to try to avoid the need for any future premium increases.

Actuarial Certification


BEFORE 3/1/2006

Under the old rules, the insurance companies did NOT have to certify the accuracy of their pricing assumptions.  If their assumptions turned out to be wrong, they would just request a rate increase.

AFTER 3/1/2006

Under the new rules, the insurance companies are required to have a qualified actuary certify that no premium increases are anticipated over the life of the policy.  This is why they are required to include a “margin for error” in their pricing.

Not all policies are covered under these new regulations.

Although these regulations are working very well in Oregon, these regulations only apply to policies purchased in Oregon after the regulation became effective. These regulations became effective in Oregon on March 1st, 2006. All policies purchased after March 1st, 2006 ARE protected by these regulations.

*Many group policies (like the Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program, CalPERS, and other self-funded groups) do not have to comply with the Rate Stability Regulation.

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